Joy. Heart. Care.

Heart disease: women more at risk?

Suffering from a heart attack? It may be harder to tell if you are a woman.

Women who suffer from heart attack may have less recognisable symptoms such as pain or discomfort in the stomach, jaw, neck or back, nausea and shortness of breath that often go unnoticed.Their problem is further compounded by the fact that healthcare providers may potentially misdiagnose heart attack symptoms, causing them to discover their predicament late.

So yes, women can be more at risk, more so when menopause sets in. Menopause itself does not cause cardiovascular diseases, but the risk factors associated with menopause, such as a decline in estrogen levels do.Lifestyle factors such as consumption of a high-fat/sugar diet, smoking, stress/anxiety and other unhealthy habits can also be detrimental to heart health.

women, heart

About The Author
Melvin experience in health and fitness includes being a personal trainer at a local YMCA and a branch of Fitness Together. He has worked with a wide range of people: from teen speed, agility and conditioning camps, to adults just beginning an exercise program..

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