Chang Wai Ken, 16-Aug-2017
Chang Wai Ken, 19-Dec-2017
Administrator, 30-Mar-2017
Admin, 08-Jun-2019
Cedric Chua, 02-May-2017
Sometimes, some of us find it hard to make it to the toilet in time. Believe it or not, urinary incontinence is actually quite common and it has to do a lot with a healthy bladder. Here are 5 tips to a healthier bladder.
Limit Caffeine and Alcohol
Caffeine and alcohol are known diuretics. In other words, caffeine and alcohol contribute to the urge to urinate. If there is an underlying problem with bladder control, try limit or avoid taking coffee and alcohol if possible.
Limit Artificial Sweetener
Artificial sweeteners are non-caloric sweeteners. It’s gaining popularity with diabetics and people who want to reduce their calorie intake. Some artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sodium saccharin are irritants to the bladder and may act as diuretics, causing problems if there were already bladder control issues.
Alternatively, you can choose better types of artificial sweetener such as stevia extract as it does not irritate the bladder. This is according to the national association of continence.
Do Regular Kegel Exercise
Kegel exercise can be done regularly to strengthen bladder muscles. Weakness in these muscle groups leads to urine leakage, also known as urinary incontinence. Kegel exercise involves contracting our pelvic floor muscles and holding for 5 to 10 seconds before relaxing. The urology care foundation recommends completing 2 sessions of Kegel exercise per day with 30 contractions per session.
Try Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is useful to keep the bladder and urinary tract from infections. Urinary tract infection is typically more common in females. Compounds in cranberry prevent bacteria from sticking onto the wall of the urinary tract, thus keeping the bladder healthy.
Avoid Tobacco
One of the biggest contributors to bladder cancer is tobacco smoke. Cigarette smokers are at higher risk than non-smokers of developing bladder cancer. Hence, avoiding tobacco smoking is very important to have a healthy bladder.
1.Bladder irritants and your diet. (2015, January 5). Retrieved from
2. Mayo Clinic. (2014, August 7). Urinary incontinence. Retrieved from
3. Mayo Clinic. (2015, August 13). Kegel exercises for men: Understand the benefits. Retrieved from
4. Mayo Clinic. (2015, September 25). Kegel exercises: A how-to guide for women. Retrieved from
What are the exercise routines? (n.d.). Retrieved from